Stunning results of BMW F10 M5 after 4 years coating by KC

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by kc's, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. kc's

    kc's Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    BMW M5 F10 Paint Correction and protection ... was done way back in 12.....


    to read more, please view at my blog

    click here to read more on : BMW M5 F10 Paint Correction and protection with Opticoat
    I detail this monstrous ride 4 years ago and the coating has past test

    I was called back to detail another ride and i cant help but tahing a close look of this babe

    the car was not wash nor QD by me prior taking this picture
    not edited and Photoshop-ed
    no enhancement
    taken by my 5 years old P&S camera (lense was refix after a major drop)

    i even documented the video of how the water behavior on the coating after all these years

    will be uploaded shortly


    please continue …….to view


    this is awesome how the paint looks like in this monstrous ride after all these years

    mind you having sup ed up more to almost 700 BHP....very very fast


    please click here to view the video

    the photo

    look at the beading


    this is another video of a brand new X5 not coated nor protected after being wash down by Power clean

    please click here to view the Video

    More adds on…….. CF front bumper lips…styled by schnitzer

    More grills styled

    More lips



    Remember this picture

    Tada…. Up and coming X 5



    Tada….coming soon X 5


    my old faithful 2nd canon S95 camera

    the coatong stood the test of time and speed ....much more it still beads away the water .....also contaminations

    thank you for viewing yet another of my detail
  2. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Wow. Thays pretty good protection for a coating. What kind of coating is that BMW wearing?
    kc's likes this.
  3. kc's

    kc's Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    its Opti coat

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